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Build your CV: Education

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Build your CV: Education

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The most important thing about the education and the following section, work experience, is the fact that all information must be put in a chronological order, starting from the most recent.
Namely, starting with the current education and continuing with the past ones. There is not one right layout for the education section. In addition, it needs to be stated that all information must be consistent, for example, if the first education has date layout dd.mm.yyyy, then the following has to follow it and not suddenly change to 1st May of 2011.Moreover, education usually includes:
  • the name of the institution;
  • the name of a degree;
  • the name of the profession (if acquired);
  • if some exceptional marks were achieved, the test results could be included; (for example, the final exam scores, if they look high enough and of course the education includes the period when the education was taken).
It is also important to mention the various short-term courses, which usually also provide very useful knowledge and experience.
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This badge demonstrates the ability to analyse and name educational experience.
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Build Your CV
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